Dmitriy Grek

Biography Artworks

Ukrainian artist Snigir Dmitriy Anatolyevich was born in 1978.

In 1993 he enrolled at the Myrhorod Art College Department of Art CeramicsHe graduated in 1997 and entered the Kharkiv Art and Industry Institute at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Crafts. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Indoor and Monumental Sculpture in 2001.

The same year Snigir transferred to the National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture (Kyiv), which he graduated in 2004, earning the qualification of Artist - Sculptor in Fine Arts and Crafts.

Since 2006, Dmitriy Snigir participates in exhibitions under the pseudonym Dmitriy Grek.  

In 2005, 2006 and 2007 he participated in creative plein air workshops on stone sculpture under the direction of A. Sukholit, which resulted in a series of landscape sculptural projects.







Ukraine Today, Modern Art Research Institute, Kyiv




Contemporary Ukranian Art of 1985 - 2015 from Private Collection, Modern Art Research Institute, Kyiv

CONTEMPORARY VENICE 2019, Palazzo Ca 'Zanardi, Venice, Italy

Modern Ukrainian Symbolism and Mikhail Vrubel, National Museum of Kyiv Art Gallery, Kyiv 

Melody of Being, Triptych Art, Kyiv 

Diva, Mystets Gallery, Kyiv 

Art project Modern Ukrainian Symbolism, Museum of Contemporary Ukrainian Art Korsakov, Lutsk





Small, wintry, sculptural, Triptych Art, Kyiv

Step, Triptych Art, Kyiv

More than sculpture.  Art Ukraine Gallery,  Kyiv




Private Collection. Contemporary Ukrainian Artists. Modern Art Research InstituteKyiv

Clay Adam, solo exhibition, Triptych Art gallery, Kyiv





Great Sculptural Salon, Arsenale, Kyiv

Self-portrait of the Artist Group project, Triptych Art gallery, Kyiv





All-Ukrainian triennial of sculpture, exhibition halls of the Central House of Artist (National Union of Artists of Ukraine)

Breathing of Earth, Exhibition Hall of Taras Shevchenko Museum, Kyiv

Breathing of Space, solo exhibition, Triptych Art gallery, Kyiv





All-Ukrainian triennial of sculpture, diploma of II degree for the "Girl on a roe deer" sculpture





Spring exhibition, exhibition halls of the Central House of Artist, Kyiv





All-Ukrainian triennial of sculpture, exhibition halls of the Central House of Artist, Kyiv





Youth, all-Ukrainian art exhibition, exhibition halls of the Central House of Artist, Kyiv





All-Ukrainian triennial of sculpture, exhibition halls of the Central House of Artist, Kyiv





All-Ukrainian Autumn Art Exhibition, exhibition halls of the Central House of Artist, Kyiv





All-Ukrainian Triennial of Sculpture, Exhibition Halls of the Central House of Artist, Kyiv





New Art of an Independent Country, Kharkiv City Art Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine





Prologue, Kharkiv State Polytechnic University, French Center, Kharkiv, Ukraine





Kabardino-Balkaria Museum of Fine Arts


Artist’s works are in private collections in Alicante (Spain), Tuscany (Italy), Kyiv (Ukraine), Moscow (Russia), Miami (Florida, USA), Toronto (Canada)